During the year, write down short funny stories, events, achievements, and even sad times and place in a jar that’s close by to relive on 12/31. Don’t share or show anyone until 12/31.

Keep in mind, parents have just as much to learn from children as they do from us.

I often wonder how much of my parenting is “lucky” parenting versus “intentional” parenting.

Use a backpack leaf blower as a snow blower. It works great with light snow. Best to wait until it’s not snowing at the time.

Showing vulnerability shows courage and allows people into your life.

Be intentional-have a special breakfast, lunch or dinner with your son or daughter or both
Dad’s are more important now than ever as guides for moral and educational development. Chris and Jacob know this.
So does Noah and Fritz. I think of it daily as well at grandparenting.
Or use a shovel or broom. Keep the noise down and enjoy the quiet roar of snow falling on everything.
Correct but more time to spend with neighbors. 😊
When I am out shoveling I almost always see and talk to neighbors including the three teenage boys across the road who are doing the same thing.
Just talked to 41 year old son, Jacob in Vermont about some changes to the family home here. We have lived here over thirty years and need some updates and changes. He has taken over more of the repsonsibility of this old house and has better understanding and more energy and knowledge than we do. I struggle to just to keep up light bulb changing and sweeping. Jake can move walls and doors. I just give over to him and let the child parent the dad.
I love reading all your ideas and suggestions.
Great job !
Like all these ideas about keeping conversations going.