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“The Great Toilet Paper Stand-Off and a Hidden $20: How It Taught Us the Value of Helping Out”

"The Great Toilet Paper Stand-Off and a Hidden $20: How It Taught Us the Value of Helping Out"


Family life is a treasure trove of moments, some grand, some small, but all with the potential to teach us something valuable. One such lesson often comes from the unspoken gestures of kindness and the simple acts of helping each other out. Recently, I was reminded of this when reflecting on a little story about a dad and his children—a story that underscores the profound impact of unsolicited help within a family, but with a humorous twist.

It all began in a modest, cluttered hallway, where the family’s supply of household essentials was kept. This was no ordinary hallway, though—it was a place of routine, where the mundane acts of daily life played out in the backdrop of family bonding. One day, as the father prepared for another busy week, he decided to add a playful twist to the chore of putting away supplies.

The father had just returned from a trip to the grocery store, arms laden with bags of essentials, including a bulky package of toilet paper. As he set the bags down in the hallway, an idea sparked. He reached into his wallet and pulled out a crisp $20 bill, a small but meaningful amount. Carefully, he slipped the bill under the new package of toilet paper, ensuring it was hidden. With a satisfied smile, he left the scene, anticipating the discovery that lay ahead.

Days passed, and the father noticed something peculiar. The package of toilet paper remained untouched in the hallway, a silent testament to the busyness of family life. The kids, caught up in their own worlds, walked past it multiple times, each too preoccupied to notice or take action. It became something of a fixture—a new piece of hallway decor.

The father decided to wait a bit longer, hoping that one of his children would eventually pick up the toilet paper. Another week went by, and still, the package sat there, undisturbed. He started to wonder if it had become invisible. Perhaps the kids thought it was an art installation?

Finally, he couldn’t resist giving a gentle nudge. At dinner one evening, he casually mentioned, “I noticed the new package of toilet paper is still in the hallway. Can someone please put it away?” The kids nodded, but somehow, the toilet paper remained as if it had grown roots.


After what felt like an eternity, the father realized the jig was up. With a sigh of resignation and a hint of amusement – more like frustration and anger, he decided to put the toilet paper away himself. As he picked up the package, the hidden $20 bill fluttered to the floor. “Well, I guess that’s one way to save money,” he said laughing out loud, folding the bill. The kids, hearing their dad’s laughter, came to see what was so funny. Seeing the bill in his hand, they quickly put two and two together.

The father gathered his children and shared the story. “You see,” he said, “when you help out without being asked, without expecting anything in return, sometimes you find unexpected rewards. Though in this case, the reward was mine!” They all laughed, realizing the lesson hidden beneath the humor.

This simple act carried a powerful message: the value of helping out family, unsolicited and with a good heart, can often be more rewarding than we ever anticipate. It taught the children that acts of kindness and assistance, no matter how small, could be met with unexpected gratitude. It was a reminder that sometimes, the smallest gestures hold the greatest value and that helping out could come with its own set of rewards—be it a surprise $20 bill or the warm feeling of making someone’s day a little easier.

Over the years, this story has stayed with us, a little anecdote that continues to highlight the essence of family bonds and the joy of helping each other out. It’s a simple reminder that we don’t always need a grand plan to make a difference; sometimes, it’s the little things, the unsolicited acts of kindness, that truly enrich our lives and our relationships.


So, next time you’re walking down the hallway, or facing the mundane tasks of everyday life, remember the hidden $20 bill under the toilet paper. Let it inspire you to lend a hand, to help out without being asked, and to find joy in the simple acts of kindness. In the end, it’s these moments that build the foundation of strong, loving, and supportive families.  As research shows, children innately have the propensity and desire to be helpful.  

Truth be told, this is  my story and my children didn’t laugh but it sure sounds better.   If I could do it all over again, I would make sure the existing toilet papers were near the end of the roll.  

While helping others was my family value, add a comment below: What might have been your family value? Describe it with your family and place it on your Family Values worksheet, downloadable as a PDF on my site for free.

Share my story with a friend and ask them what their family value connection would be!