Gratitude Challenge: A Family Value Win-Win! Share Your Win-Win
I’ve watched this video clip thousands of time and each time my body fills with happiness. I’m fortunate enough to be in a position where I’m able to share this clip with high school students each year, and each time students express happiness afterwards. Showing gratitude is a win-win situation. Happiness, appreciation, being polite, and showing respect are probably universal family values in some form or shape. The experiment shown in the video clip is an example of just how simple it can be for us to achieve these family values, and yet, it’s not done often enough. I encourage all families to participate in the gratitude challenge – a family value win-win.
The word gratitude and its definition says it all. I don’t have much more to add. What could I possible contribute that isn’t already known about gratitude. Of course we know it’s a win-win situation. Of course we know it’s what we should do, but yet, it’s not done enough nor is it sustainable. Myself included. I’m not going to take time to analyze the reasons why but rather challenge my readers to call someone and have a moment of their own.
the family challenge
A part of my personal life mission is to spread kindness and this one simple challenge can do just that, spread kindness and happiness. I’m confident in saying that just by watching the clip shifted your current reality to be more joyful. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and take the gratitude challenge and share with the rest of us via the comment section below. Even the simplest task of reading other’s moments will impact the rest of us. As the title of this article say, it’s a win-win situation.

the goal
I challenge my readers to share a moment to reach a goal of 100 gratitude moments. It’s a great way to continue New Year resolutions but at the very least, to offset 2020. Just so there is no double standard, my most recent gratitude call was last week. After researching online and Facebook, I was able to locate a former student who I haven’t seen for nearly 15 years. We had an unbelievable conversation. I was great to relive that past and hear about her amazing accomplishments.
I like this idea… and the recording of positive actions will reinforce the activity for me!
The guys that work at the transfer station are always happy and helpful After 15 years going there, I finally had the idea of bringing them some DD to show my appreciation.